
Community Lay Director

Alexandra Bossung

  Send Email  •  (631)325-2253

P.O. Box 840
Remsenburg, NY 11960

Community Spiritual Director

Rev. Dr. Robert Leibold

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At the Service of the Board


Ray Becht

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Term expires 2025

Fundraising & Supplies

Sareena Mendolia Noble

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Term expires 2026

Reunions and Gatherings

Linda Beyer

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Term expires 2027

Evangelism/Web Support

Bill Flipse

  Send Email  •  (516)551-5473

Term expires 2025


Shanna Wurth

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Term expires 2026

Financial Secretary

Kathleen Wells

  Send Email  •  (631)475-0639

Term expires 2025

Prayer Vigil

Mary Czeisel

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Term expires 2027

Book Table and Registrar

Brenda Klingel

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Term expires 2025

Closing - Final Inspection

Ed Klingel

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Term expires 2025

Webmaster/Wall Agape/Historian

Sue Ketcham

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At the Service of the Board


Faustina Gyedu

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Term expires 2026

Community Trainer/Team Selection

Betty Gastelua

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Term expires 2027

Candlelight & Sponsors Hour

Alan & Marion Gross

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Term expires 2025